Tuesday 3 November 2020


Polls are open in some of States, and we're all waiting to see just how the chaos unfolds. Unlike previous elections, though, this one is being live streamed by multiple media outlets, so that you can watch the election madness unfold ALL. DAY. LONG.

Or, you know... don't. Although I suspect that non-election content is going to be a little hard to come by, on this day of all days, with so much riding on the outcome of these events. It's hard to credit, given that it was only a few years ago that we watched Barack Obama be elected President of the United States in what felt like it was sure to be the biggest Presidential election of my lifetime, but... this really might be the biggest Presidential election of our collective lifetimes, with the fate of democracy itself quite literally riding on the outcome.

2020... what a fucking year.

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