Tuesday 3 November 2020

A refreshing change, if true (but probably false)

As reported by HuffPost

Trump Says He'll Declare Victory 'Only When There's Victory'

The president previously refused to say whether he would accept the results of the election and whether he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power

President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he would only declare victory in his reelection bid “if there’s victory,” following months of concerns and a recent report that he plans to declare himself the winner on election night even if it only looks like he’s ahead.

“I think we’ll have victory,” he said in an interview with “Fox and Friends,” when asked when he would declare it. “Only when there’s victory. There’s no reason to play games.”

I guess Trump finally tired of talking like a loser, and decided to start talking like someone who might actually have a chance to win. It must be noted, though, that Trump has done quite literally nothing but "play games," for weeks, about whether he'd accept an electoral result that went against him, and that he also stopped short of actually committing to a peaceful transition of power today. 

Also, there's the fact Trump's count of lies told since taking office currently stands at 22,247, so I don't think you can have any faith, really, in anything that Trump says. To paraphrase Rachel Maddow, it not what he says that matters; watch what he actually does, when the results come in.

Given that Trump was boasting just yesterday about how many lawyers he has ready sow as much electoral chaos as possible, and that the White House was demanding the personal information of poll workers and poll watchers in several states, possibly in preparation for a mass doxxing, it's hard to know what to expect, apart from the usual canard about expecting the unexpected.

Pay no attention to what they say; watch what they do. And remember that this is a marathon, and not a sprint.

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