Tuesday 26 September 2017

Lock them up?

After an ugly 2016 Presidential campaign which saw Donald Trump routinely leading chants of, "Lock her up! Lock her up!" from his podium, this latest hypocrisy on the part of Team Trump is truly breathtaking.

As reported by Gizmodo:
Less than a day after it was revealed that presidential son-in-law and White House senior advisor Jared Kushner used a personal email account to conduct government business, Ivanka Trump, daughter of and special advisor to President Donald Trump, is facing the same scrutiny.
On Monday, legal watchdog group American Oversight published a batch of emails between Ivanka Trump and the Small Business Administration (SBA) acquired under the Freedom of Information Act. The emails show her corresponding with SBA administrator Linda McMahon using a personal email address.
Copied on the correspondence are: Dina Powell, the US deputy national security advisor for strategy; Julie Radford, Ivanka Trump’s chief of staff; and Mary Bradfield, McMahon’s chief of staff.
“Yet again we see that there’s one rule for the Trump family and another for everyone else,” said Austin Evers, American Oversight executive director. “It’s simply breathtaking that both Ivanka and Jared Kushner would conduct government on a personal email account after running a campaign centered on that very issue. The fact that they would brazenly ignore rules governing email use raises even more questions about their judgement and fitness to hold positions in the White House."
#IOKIYAR, apparently. On the plus side, with Robert Muller circling the Trumps like a slightly-starved shark, it probably is only a matter of time until one or more of them actually does get locked up. Still, I guess this emerging piece of news goes some distance to explaining why "Daddy" Donald randomly picked a fight with the entire NFL on the weekend (that fight isn't going well, BTW).

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