Friday 22 September 2017

It's got to start somewhere...

... so let's start with a short recap, shall we?

I really wasn't intending to be a political blogger. For one thing, political blogs are a lightning rod for trolls of all kinds, and I hate feeling like I'm feeding the trolls. For another thing, while I might have opinions on the doings of the day, I don't often feel like I actually have anything constructive to add to the discussion.

Sometimes, though, I just can't help myself. Sometimes, I just need to vent. Which is how I found myself posting political commentary on a tech blog. It was like a fart in a crowded elevator. Or like a low-rent Gizmodo.

And I get it; I really do get where they're coming from, over at Gizmodo and Kotaku. Sometimes, the state of the world is something you simply can't ignore. Sometimes, the topic you're avoiding becomes conspicuous by its absence.

And so, I posted about the nature and importance of free speech, and how Google's firing of The Anti-Diversity Engineer was not a violation of his freedoms. I found myself blogging about the poetic, plosive, pungent power of "fuck," and why it perfectly described what was happening in Charlotteville at the time. I wrote about how there is no alt-left movement, told you why you should totally boycott Dell Computers, found another reason to hate Julian Assange, wondered how many generations it would take for the USA to live down having elected Trump to the presidency, and capped it off by pointing to an excellent WaPo article about Houston's third "500-year" storm in three years... along with some thoughts of my own, naturally.

I am a semi-professional dilettante. An expert in nothing, I nonetheless tend to read about everything. Here is where I intend to share those interesting tidbits that don't fit on my tech blog, or my blog about game design.

I don't expect this to be a regular thing. I don't expect to be posting here every day, or even every week. But I now know that I will need to vent, every so often, and it feels good to have a place for those primal screams. Even if nobody ever reads them. If you've found your way here, I hope that you find some of the same catharsis in reading these posts that I feel in writing them. Or, failing that, I hope that I at least managed to point you to an interesting tidbit of information that you hadn't encountered previously.

Welcome! Please be polite (I am, after all, Canadian, so politeness is the baseline assumption here), and may you take away something of value from having passed this way.

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