Wednesday 19 October 2022

"When Someone Shows You Who They Are, Believe Them." ~Maya Angelou

 With that quote in mind, consider this:


Yeah... There's a reason why we voted this omnishambles out of office, the last time she was Premier. 

Quoting the piece from CBC News:

Timothy Caulfield, a Canada Research Chair in health law and policy at the University of Alberta who focuses on debunking pseudoscience and unproven health advice, said he's noticed a pattern in Smith's posts — one that embraces fringe voices that are drawn to a conspiratorial worldview.

"As someone [at the university] who is deep into that space, the world of anti-vaxxers … she's basically embracing the stars of that movement," Caulfield said, noting the numerous times she has also highlighted the work of well-known fringe voices.

"Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Peter McCullough, these are individuals who are well-known anti-vaxxers who spread harmful misinformation."

Caulfield said he was familiar with the blog Smith had linked to, describing it as one that embraces a philosophy that warns of the looming advent of a nefarious global agenda. Such conspiracies often warn of a so-called Great Reset.

Nazi is as nazi does, and Danielle Smith done did a nazism here. Again.

I cannot express how badly I do not want this woman heading my regional government for one minute longer than absolutely necessary. I voted against her twice already; here's hoping the third time's the charm.

If you live in Alberta, and have any desire at all to be governed by someone who has both the skills to do the job, and principles that won't leave you embarrassed to tell people where you live, then you should be considering the NDP, right about now. You don't have to love their policies; you just have to agree that they're better than the alternative.

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