Tuesday 7 July 2020

Well, it's not like the Trumpians were listening to them, anyway

Le sigh.

As reported by The Hill:
The White House has officially moved to withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO), a senior administration official confirmed Tuesday, breaking ties with a global public health body in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.
The U.S. has submitted its withdrawal notification to the United Nations secretary-general, the official said. Withdrawal requires a year's notice, so it will not go into effect until July 6, 2021, raising the possibility the decision could be reversed.
Sen. Bob Menendez (N.J.), the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, tweeted that the administration informed Congress of the withdrawal plans.
"To call Trump’s response to COVID chaotic & incoherent doesn't do it justice. This won't protect American lives or interests — it leaves Americans sick & America alone," the senator tweeted.
I would call this the stupidest news I've heard all week, but we are talking about the Trump administration, and it is only Tuesday: one thing you can be certain of, is that stupider news is still coming. There is absolutely no substantive policy defense for this move; it's 100% politics, red meat for Trump's most ardent, isolationist, racist supporters.

The good news is that even Trump's supporters seem to be tiring of his shtick, so a Biden administration could still walk this back. The bad news is that the damage will mostly have already been done by then, as reported cases surge across the U.S., with several states' health care systems running at or above capacity... with collapse likely not far off, since the nature of exponential growth basically guarantees that the situation will get much, much worse before it improves even slightly.

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