Sunday 7 June 2020

Trump blinks

After spending most of the past week apparently determined to see America degenerate from democracy to outright dictatorship under his watch, U.S. President Donald J. Trump has apparently inched back from brink today.

As reported by Axios:
President Trump announced in a tweet Sunday that he has ordered the National Guard to begin withdrawing from Washington, D.C.
It should be noted that Trump has not abandoned his awful idea entirely, taking time out to remind people that soldiers can "quickly return, if needed," but the fact that he's backed down is a good thing. After the week we've just seen, I'll take it.

Now, here's hoping that American democracy survives long enough for them to vote the bastard out in November... and then see a peaceful transition of power thereafter. Personally, I give it about fifty-fifty odds. Place your bets!

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