Friday 19 October 2018

Throw the bum out!

I've posted before about Julian Assange being a horrible person, but guess what? It turns out he's stupid, too.

As reported by Sky News:
Julian Assange is launching legal action against Ecuador, accusing its government of violating his "fundamental rights and freedoms".
It comes after Ecuador cut off communications for Mr Assange, who has been living inside the country's London embassy for more than six years.
Baltasar Garzon, a lawyer for WikiLeaks, has arrived in Ecuador to launch the case, which is expected to be heard next week in a domestic court.
WikiLeaks claims Mr Assange's access to the outside world has been "summarily cut off" and says Ecuador has threatened to remove the protection he has had since being given political asylum.
Assange, remember, was hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid be extradited to Sweden to face sexual assault charges. Assange himself always claimed that the sexual assault charges were the result of a complex international conspiracy to extradite him to the U.S., a claim which seemed rather egotistical even at the time, and which has aged poorly since #MeToo started happening; regardless, Swedish prosecutors have since been forced to close the investigation (since time expired with Assange still hiding in Ecuador's embassy, if memory serves), but Assange has continued to hide on Ecuadorian soil, while doing everything he can to embarrass his increasingly-reluctant hosts, for months.

Apparently, the Ecuadorian government has finally had enough, though, and had cut off Assange's internet access to prevent further Assange-related embarrassment, and maybe encourage Assange to finally leave their embassy. Assange, naturally, is now repaying years of free rent and Ecuadorian protection from prosecution by suing them, apparently because he's an ungrateful, self-absorbed, over-entitled asshole.

The idea that the Trump administration, whom Assange helped put into power, are still plotting to have him extrajudicially rendered to a CIA black site and disappeared is laughable. And since he's not facing the sexual assault charges anymore, either, there's no reason for him to still be living like a fugitive. The fact that he is still living like a fugitive would seem to be a matter of choice for Assange, not necessity - maybe he just likes the romance of it all - but the reality of life as a fugitive is that you don't get to be a fugitive and also continue to live with all the same conveniences that a free man would have.

Don't try to tell Assange that, though... or anything else, really. Seriously, fuck Julian Assange.

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