Thursday 29 March 2018

Keeping track of the chaos:
This is not normal.

One of the dangers of the Trump administration is not merely that the constant drumbeat of ludicrous bullshit will serve to obscure the less dramatic, and more pernicious, damage being done to the fabric of American society, and to the global community. No, the real danger is that the constant chaos of Trump has been going on so long without letup that it's starting to feel normal.

This is not normal. The world must never lose sight of how utterly abnormal the Trump administration actually is.

Thankfully, there's a resource of people far more industrious than me, who are working to keep track of every bit of Trump madness, no matter how large or small. The less-dramatic stories that would be huge scandals for any normal White House, but that can't get traction during Trump's exercise in escalating effrontery? Amy Siskind is keeping track. Are you starting to think that George W. Bush wasn't all that bad, after all, because look what Trump's done today? Amy Siskind has your antidote.

Because the unmitigated disaster of the Bush administration wasn't normal, either. It's just that Trump's is worse... and getting even worse still, with every passing day. America, and the world, will be repairing the damage from these years for the next twenty years at least; you should be arming yourself with the knowledge of what damage is being done, so that you can hit the ground running when the damage finally stops happening on a daily basis.

Ladies, gentlemen, and others, it is my great pleasure to point you in the direction of The Weekly List: This is how democracy ends. No, no, don't thank me. I'm just spreading the word.

(BTW, this week's list of madness is 154 items long. That's just this week's list; last week's list was even longer. Yikes.)

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